Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Look at the Core

How well and often do you clean up???
How a person cleans up=how a person takes care of the problems in their life....How a person cleans up=how they will manage their money....How a person cleans up=how they will take care of business....How a person cleans up=how they will maintain relationships....How a person cleans up=how well they will take care of themselves....when you clean up you are subconsciously reminding yourself not to let things fester or linger around long enough to create a problem....the cleaner your house is, the cleaner your mind will be, the cleaner your life will be..tired of being unhappy try cleaning every aspect of your life up....stay clean be proactively alert for the dangers that lie ahead of on being at your best move in a way that will allow you to avoid problems without seeing a way that will allow you to knock them out when you do..look, listen and learn...head up...legs(mouth)closed..eyes, ears, and mind open....stay safe...lata


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Few Random Facts

1.) Life is what you make it...If you are looking for happiness you will find happiness....if you are looking for things to make you happy you will find them but they prolly wont make you happy...

2.)If you work hard and praise GOD you will have money and receive blessings...If you save your money, stop sinning, and buying frivolous things you will have riches...If you give freely in a diligent fashion you will be wealthy...

3.) One will attract the people they base their personal appeal if looks money and clout are what you are after...thas what people will be after when they find you...Check character...physical perks are a nice extra but a person does everything based on their steelo... ex.( a person who eats to much will drink too much w/o caring...sleep too much w/o caring...n waste too much of your time and resources w/o caring)

4.) Eating foods like raw fruits vegetables, nuts, oatmeal, and the other foods listed in Leviticus will give you extreme energy, enhance your mind and increase the things that are pro life into your life..(b/c u are living a pro life lifestyle) are what you eat the foods listed produce life those not produces death...are you eating to live or eating to die..

5.) If you are living a principal based life the previous 4 facts wouldn't matter...what is the main focus in your life what are your personal rules that lead you...a few of mine are 1. loyalty over everything 2. death b4 dishonor 3. Praise GOD for everything 4. never quit or accept failure..put your best efforts into everything you the best at everything you do.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Clean your mess up

Though it is important to move on, it is more important to move wise One must realize even the Nile dries up in its due season...but it's not good enough to watch the cup fall to the floor and shatter into pieces n just leave them...If you just leave them how can you stop the same thing from happening again...we must understand the flaws in the situation that caused the cup to fall and break...we must understand how to make the cup stronger so the next time it falls it will not break...A relationship is the sum of the encounters we failed relationships happen because of our character deficiencies...FIX YOU...USE EVERY FAILURE TO MAKE YOURSELF BETTER...though it is hard to watch the pieces lay on the floor...its even harder to admit to our faults...and even harder to clean the mess up and perhaps put the pieces back we have to cuz no matter how long you let the pieces lay on the floor every time you see them laying there you will remember what once whas...clean your mess up just like you would your house...just as u should clean your life(as soon as it gets dirty)...Be open and str8 forward with yourself and everything hatred is better than secret love...(Proverbs??:?? can you name which one) Until careful....create the world you want to see...create the YOU,you want to be...lata

Sumtimz u gotta lose one

I never thought it would hurt so bad...if i did n the hospital i wouldn't have acted so bad...We slow down but never end...tho we neva blo...sumtimes we ache will alwz could i foresee the end...Some days it feels like im dying inside...a river capsizing flooding my insides...Ya memories are the only thing that keep them from coming down my eyes...always a poise composure..i've never lost..i'm still holding..effortlessly strolling..still i'm needing u like N.I.G.G.A.'s (never ignorant (while) getting goals accomplished) need Jesus While lil homies is prayin for peace...i fiend for the day 2.....2bc..

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Coming

I'm up early in the morning...right hand getting scratched cuz it my pad planning aligning my steps to get rich. Diligent thinking make my thoughts a leathel weapon...i shake the weak n the lame, and expose the marks to effortless perfection. I can't xplain how i feel inside...nut10 ta lose but my homies so i'll alway's ride..cunning ways my mentality is hood...any set any click wenever i show up its all good...Sticking to the G code it's death before dishonor...i aproach every problem like if i don't solve it then it's gonna kill my mama..My mind moves swifter than the next click is tight it's not anotha faction fucking with us...Working aint fa me cuz i said rather go death row than go dead broke...Jealous niggas wanna see me dead, hoes wanna steal my bread, and a hata's keep puttin these fuckin prices on my head fuck em all...i'm thuggin out nething til the problem is resolved...this Thowed Boy has jus prepaired to break the world off..I'm a Young Tyger if the world is golf...a young Montana if the world is best off knowing the Muthafucka's in full control n i'll be doing jus lyin even if i don't perform, i was born to wrap...a persons mind...if you looking fa me woodie i'll be on my grind...(I'm out fa presidents to repersent me..."say what" I'm out fa dead fuckin presidents to repersent me...Who's world is this..."the world is yours..the world is mine.....Nas..can u name the song)....lata dayz

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Memiors of A Black Male Misundastood

What up Mesha Slim Mrs. Juanita…I know it’s been a while since I last checked in..i try not to think of u too much cuz with the memories come the pain…seems like the people I love the most die..guess its my destiny to be lonely… but its kool..i been a playa fa life since you died..Slim I got three new LEGAL jobs I start circuit city on Nov. 2. N I will start training in Dec. u gon have to wait on the last mov its gon be major I jus gotta handle sum legal issues first…Mrs Juanita I went to church last Sunday and on ya birthday..(U know I hate being still) but im trying though I been reading my bible at least 3x a week n I giv the 2 10’s lik u told me.. remember when drive bys were popular in New Addition n u told me if I hear them shots rang to get down whereva im at n not to get up, but I told u if I heard’em n I wasn’t wit u then I was gon be on my way to come protect you, and when it really happened I ducked out the back door, n cut out full throttle through back yards zig zaggin comin to protect you n when I got there u gave me my first whoopin..that was the first time I cried..not b/c it hurt, but b/c I never thought u would try to hurt me..when u seen them things cumin dwn frm my eyes u stopped n gave me that hug n kiss that seemed to alwz mak me feel better…feels like u hurting me every day now, I’d pay nething for that hug n kiss now..Yea I got sum doe stashed, my click, n a couple of slimies that im fancying right now, but it does not compare to the unconditional luv yal took when u left..I mean I hear 1000’s of I luv n miss u’s but Iono i don really feel it..i havn’t felt lik living since the 10'th grade..hell I havn’t felt lik smiling since the 1st..but my goals n click keep me goin n I be making people smile hard n wanna liv big everyday…whenever the sun is out and it’s raining I know that it’s one of you smiling on me..knowing that you all are up there waitin fa ya boy I never worry about nething..I’m blessed..I make the best of every situation whenever life is at its hardest, when it is the hardest to carry on..that is when I am at my best..that’s when im focused..that’s when im ready to shine I always smile and stall filled with joy and vigor..i exude it as much as I can..still Mr. Miraculous I make things happen in uncanny and miraculous ways..nothing can stop me, I alwz work extremely hard, and I put my effortless perfection on everything I do..i stay positive, and focused on succeeding, improving, and advancing..nothing can stop me..I’m going to be a world renown leader one day but for now im trying to become a man to follow trying to 86 the vices that have control over me(pussy, time, n food, so far im workin on weed now).. Everyday im trying to gain diligence, wisdom, and understanding, prudence temperance and righteousness, im trying to be more discerning with the things I put in my heart, and more discreet with my actions. Whenever it’s raining or I see a dark cloud hanging over I alwz look 4 the rainbow I alwz look for the silver lining..i don let nuttin bother me I don let nuttin worry me.. im focused on gon succeed like Warren Bufett, King Solomon..Divinci...I will be the greatest man around a modern day renaissance man..a born shiner..born leader..born holder..Malcolm, Martin, Garvey, Mandela of their cloth all of them are rolled up in me…til the next time we get to be together..Later… memoirs