Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Few Random Facts

1.) Life is what you make it...If you are looking for happiness you will find happiness....if you are looking for things to make you happy you will find them but they prolly wont make you happy...

2.)If you work hard and praise GOD you will have money and receive blessings...If you save your money, stop sinning, and buying frivolous things you will have riches...If you give freely in a diligent fashion you will be wealthy...

3.) One will attract the people they base their personal appeal if looks money and clout are what you are after...thas what people will be after when they find you...Check character...physical perks are a nice extra but a person does everything based on their steelo... ex.( a person who eats to much will drink too much w/o caring...sleep too much w/o caring...n waste too much of your time and resources w/o caring)

4.) Eating foods like raw fruits vegetables, nuts, oatmeal, and the other foods listed in Leviticus will give you extreme energy, enhance your mind and increase the things that are pro life into your life..(b/c u are living a pro life lifestyle) are what you eat the foods listed produce life those not produces death...are you eating to live or eating to die..

5.) If you are living a principal based life the previous 4 facts wouldn't matter...what is the main focus in your life what are your personal rules that lead you...a few of mine are 1. loyalty over everything 2. death b4 dishonor 3. Praise GOD for everything 4. never quit or accept failure..put your best efforts into everything you the best at everything you do.....

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