Sunday, June 28, 2009

In THE HANDS OF the mGaOnD who CAN

Who do you believe in?!?!?
I place my faith in GOD I am blessed to be breathing
When life is hard it’s him that I believe in
It’s not hard to shake my fleshly needs cause I’m focused on pleasing (GOD)
The decisions between life and death is easy..
If before you do it u ask yourself who do you believe in?!?!?

Keeping My Temple Clean

They say if u cant love the one you want love the one your with
To legit to quit..
I’ll be waiting on the 1 G..
sends me oh so patiently
I don’t drink cause it pollutes my temple
I don't smoke cause my thoughts arent simple
I don’t have unmarital sex cause it destroys my temple
I don’t watch tv cause my mind is far from simple
I don’t have a girl cause GOD hasn’t showed me the one I can’t live without
I don’t chase’em in churches, clubs or on the internet…
cause when it’s my time my Father will point them out
It takes GOD and the 8 Virtues to make righteous wealth…
How much more a righteous life
I’m focused on matter what they do…
Or how phenomenal these girls are they cant spoil my view…
Cause tho I can produce the world..only GOD can give a righteous wife

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Think I Can, I Know I Can, or I Did!!! (Don't Quit!!)

Life is like a savings account..
the more work one puts in…the more product he gets out
So many times we want to quit running the race of hope for instant gratifications
Stop running the race of perseverance cause loneliness test the endurance of patience
Time alone is the best time to live cause in solitude we find proof
A righteous view of our inner fears a view that’s really true
You see one is only as strong as the battles he survives
In time you’ll grow and realize
Like fire cleanses silver and pressure makes a diamond
Your current broken heart is a great test to overcome for future joys peace & smiling
Anyone can make it in a tandem but if you can conquer it alone you’ve really won
Tho the road is tough and your feeling all alone don’t quit until your race is done
Cause pain is our inner physician there to cleanse our souls of need (except for GOD)
If you let your strength fail you when you need it how strong can you really be???

( All great things take time GOD has been making watermelons for forever but it still takes him about 4 months to make one. How terrible would that watermelon taste 60 days into it’s growth bad would your life be if you quit before your thru running your race..when the going gets tuff it is the best time to go (grow) because that time produces strength..remember its easy to descend a hill you’ve already climbed it..don't settle..because in life somtimes your only worth what your willing to work for..LIVE STRONG..lata)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just Cause You Deserve It

Feeling like Lionel Richie maybe i'm a foolish dreamer…but I don care
Cuz I know my happiness is waiting for me somewhere (Heaven)
Stay grinding for that silver lining and horizons I’ve never seen
I know it will only take a little work to manifest my dreams
Working for Warren Buffett status
LORD I wanna give boo-koo cabbage
Take my people round the world to ball
No financial issues involved
Tell’em anything they want when they see it they can have it
Picture me David Copperfield, Blaine, Houdini
And watch Disney like miracles I’ll play the genie
Close ya eyes and live luv...dream dreams with me
Open them back up and if its GOoD get anything you see
(cause you deserve to have it)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Wont Complain

Every time my family left me alone the devil came to torment me
Iono if GOD saved me from it cuz it reely feels like the devil tormented me
Jesus said come all who’s burdens are heavy and he will give rest
But the pain and the scars have yet to fade from my chest
Beat abused and abandoned I never learned how to love
My only hope is that The Bible is true living by it faithfully, hoping to die and rise above
I try to forgive but my mind wont let me forget
tho the odds are stacked high against me my soul wont let me quit
My adolesence was like a B.B. King song, so GOD’S the only thing that makes me Zealous
When I think of those who’ve already been layed to rest I tend to feel jealous
Terrified to lay and close my lids, for I not know what dreams may follow
My only prayers are that my steps are in order, and requests that Jesus would return tomorrow
“no one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble
Not knowing it is hard to carry on when know one loves you
Worked passed the max my ducts don’t have tears to cry
No man alive has ever witnessed the struggles I’ve survived

Monday, June 8, 2009

No Response Needed

When I told my kinfolk how sorry I was about my past he told me that my route had already been laid out, and that sometimes the only thing that can make one creditable is their experience…
it’s so ez fa me to let girls go cuz I be lusting for a virtuous virgin
but the thought of 86’n u makes my heart start hurting
i mean u kinda cute, but from 1-10 ya steelo’s a 96
the way u describe how u bless people with ya love reely makes me reminisce
I try to tell myself I cant trust u, that ya luvin will be my down fall
tho talking to u would be a major violation to the G-Code half the time I reely don care at all
thinking of myself as MR. Know-it-all when it comes to u I jus donno
I prayed to GOD that if u not fa me to take u away cuz I cant seem to let u go
it’s jus sumthin about u is sooo inspiring sort of like Obama you reely radiate hope
rather he decides we got to be good friends or something mo
I’ll always be here fa u cuz my heart will never let u go

Sunday, June 7, 2009


The desire for ones own pleasure has replaced ones desire to be righteous…the desire to be gratified has replaced the desire to please GOD…tho in GOD we trust is printed on our currency.. his name is not good enough to be mentioned in our schools..(yet they wonder why the world is going to hell)..I’m not perfect so I never still growing so I do not preach..It is written, Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you(Matt. 7:7)..and also Hope deferred maketh the heart sick(Prov. 13:12) sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken(Prov. 15:13)..since 2 my hearts been sick..since 5 my spirit broken..I stopped a murder 4 the 1st time @ 2 witnessed my 1st murder at 5..since 5 the only thing I have really passionately asked being able to move back to Nashville(6-15), is that the powers that be would stop using manipulative tactics to seduce my brothers and sisters into sin, into hell and that they all would change n have a burning longing to go to heaven…neither one has ever happened…Sumtimz I feel like father Abraham faithfully waiting..Guess thas why it is also written Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:3) and Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding(Prov. 3:5)..cuz in my eyes, in my mind, in my heart, there is nothing worse than this cursed, @$$ hopeless life..everyday I try 2 live right cause everyday I pray Jesus is comin back tho i am glad he said…"And lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world"(Matt. 28:20)…and when I cant find a reason to be thankful I’m thankful for that..thank you Jesus…its jus in growing im noticing when im trying to do good is the easiest time for me to do wrong, for the wicked pleasures fall into my lap and the tribulations i face makes it easy to give in…but knowing one is only as strong as the things he overcomes..I’ll hold my head..cuz this world is not my heaven, its not meant for me to be happy here..n tho I’ll try my best to enjoy my time happiness and treasure lie in the Kingdom of my GOD’S Heaven..Lord let your light shine thru me..cause any other light will only produce Jesus name i pray..amen


Faith is believing…so faith in GOD means that one must completely believe and be faithful to every word GOD says..even when Jesus say’s “Be Perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48, and “Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the 1st and greatest commandment. And second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ all the laws of the prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40, and “But seek 1st HIS KINGDOM and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and all things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33, and “I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4
Father forgive me, for I just realized what is meant by having faith..for so long I thought if I believed in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit I would enter into heaven..But I now see that by believing I must be completely obedient to your words, as a child should be completely obedient to his father, and I must be completely dependent on your words, blessings, and discipline. I now know it is not good enough to continuously sin and ask for forgiveness, but I must always listen to my holy spirit when it warns me of the wrong I am doing, and when it tells me what right things to do. Please be with me at all times and help me, because sin feels so good, and my flesh calls so loud, at times I cant help but to be at its mercy, and I thought you would understand cuz u made the wicked just as you made the just. but I now understand that you made the wicked for hell and the just for your praise. I thought I couldn't escape from sin but I guess that’s why Psalms 1:1-3 says, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth his fruit in season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” I thought I could purposely fail sometimes and it would be cool long as I said sorry, but u said “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Matthew 24:13. It’s just its hard traveling this road lonely, Psalms 23 lets me know you are always with me in spirit, but my flesh gets so lonely, I know blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3. But in a time when everything is trying to pull me off track, even my mind, how long will you ask me to continue alone. Why does Ecclesiastes 7:28 have to be true, did you not also say Proverbs 19:14, and Proverbs said ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find..well I'm asking, and seeking. Give me a virtuoso femmina vergine of your choice or whatever u decided until then I will be Proverbs 3:5-7....

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hopes 4 the Future

I'm lookin for the woman i can tell ever since i met u i could beat depression
when the sun dont shine and the world is in a rescission
i jus picture u..u my blessin..effortless perfection
i would give you my time but the world needs my help
it has me comin in like the wind blo's
circulating like a hurricane makin it rain jus like a tsunami
with the world n dope luv fa ya tummy its a fact
u'll feel heaven wheneva i come bak
A real soldier's in ya life baby now u can rest
unload ya stress n put ya tired head on my chest
A bonafide luv please believe
i'll put my g in ya life n help ya soul breath
take the world of my shoulders n put ya head on it
deadly from any position jus tell me how u want it
sticking around cuz ecstasy is produced
but wheneva they put the sign in the air bay i gotta make moves
dodgin the radio type i needa virtuous lady
Bobby be thinking spaceships while others fiend 4 mercedes
cuz even the stars aren't out of reach for my baby
jus bay be the lady i need look baby save me
and know rather ;eading,staking: clout; gleam; or affluent Cheddar
no dou could eva do it better

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let Me Know..Send Me n I'll Go

Listening to marvin, thinking if i should die tonight
tonight in my heart i know everything would be all right
right now while standing in the mist of my fears
fearing nothing cuz HE's been here with me through the toughest of years
year after year day by day he's str8end my path n helped me walk his way
way before i fell in love with vexens HE introduced to me his G n showed me what my life was missin
missin a lot of the joys of the flesh...i couldn't care less my life is dedicated to my favorite father
father forgive me fa thug livin n all of the drug still without helping i feel imprisoned
imprisoned by the shackles society has placed on my mind
my mind at times isn't in the mood to learn what i think i already know
(jus) know I am a refection of what i believe
believe i love you, and at timestho its wrong i wanna keep myself frm at my best i am love
loving You always when you ready for me to move just let me know...send me n i'll go

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Visions of a Victory

Back in elementary i thrived on misery
left me alone i grew up amongst a dying breed
in my mind i couldnt find a place to rest
till i got that thug life embedded in my chest
i always wonder if there's a heaven fa G
takin all i luv sumtimz i feel like Job
tryin my best to remain right with hopes the Lord will remember me
faith like Father Abraham...distant visions of Heaven help me cope
smoking weed help me take away the pain so im hopeless
I pray b4 i sleep that the Lord will put my goals back in focus
dreams of havin my people livin on gleam makes me move the dopest
displayin my exquisite skills exuding effortless perfection
any opposition's being put on notice
God's with me so aint no stopin me til im Young Bobby the living ledgend
walking on the limelight exuding success, all my homies bout the same thang
til you call us we'll be shining thru the rain flying makin playa hata's heads rang

A Piece of my Love

Sumtimz i get outa bed dreading the morning
body fine emotionally mourning
Dejavue like a glimpse of last time i shoulda seen this comin
scared cuz every time i give my all it always seems to end in nut10
I try to fight the feelings n enjoy my new luv now
but every time i see ha in my dreams my luv comes back down
baby i wanna commit...i jus donno how to act
cuz as much as i'm likin u, im wanting that old thing back
cherished memories keep me crying
an unquenchable without love feels like dying
try as i might i cant do my part
least not until my old phenom lets loose my heart
they say its worse to neva love, than to love and lose
until that statements true fa me luv...i cant make moves
its said a virtuous wife is a blessing from the Lord
tho he took my 1st one n broke my heart
I know his time takes time so im a patiently redo my part
cuz luv all that glitters aint gold..n everything i think i luv aint a gift frm my father above
so baby until he gives me the ok to make things official..all i give is a piece of my love