Sunday, June 7, 2009


The desire for ones own pleasure has replaced ones desire to be righteous…the desire to be gratified has replaced the desire to please GOD…tho in GOD we trust is printed on our currency.. his name is not good enough to be mentioned in our schools..(yet they wonder why the world is going to hell)..I’m not perfect so I never still growing so I do not preach..It is written, Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you(Matt. 7:7)..and also Hope deferred maketh the heart sick(Prov. 13:12) sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken(Prov. 15:13)..since 2 my hearts been sick..since 5 my spirit broken..I stopped a murder 4 the 1st time @ 2 witnessed my 1st murder at 5..since 5 the only thing I have really passionately asked being able to move back to Nashville(6-15), is that the powers that be would stop using manipulative tactics to seduce my brothers and sisters into sin, into hell and that they all would change n have a burning longing to go to heaven…neither one has ever happened…Sumtimz I feel like father Abraham faithfully waiting..Guess thas why it is also written Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:3) and Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding(Prov. 3:5)..cuz in my eyes, in my mind, in my heart, there is nothing worse than this cursed, @$$ hopeless life..everyday I try 2 live right cause everyday I pray Jesus is comin back tho i am glad he said…"And lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world"(Matt. 28:20)…and when I cant find a reason to be thankful I’m thankful for that..thank you Jesus…its jus in growing im noticing when im trying to do good is the easiest time for me to do wrong, for the wicked pleasures fall into my lap and the tribulations i face makes it easy to give in…but knowing one is only as strong as the things he overcomes..I’ll hold my head..cuz this world is not my heaven, its not meant for me to be happy here..n tho I’ll try my best to enjoy my time happiness and treasure lie in the Kingdom of my GOD’S Heaven..Lord let your light shine thru me..cause any other light will only produce Jesus name i pray..amen

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